Friday, October 13, 2006

SOCIALOGY 247 - Chapter 4

Socialization is the process by which a society's values and norms including those pertaining to gender, are taught and learned. Socialization is a lifelong process.

Gender Socializaion is someimes a conscious effort in that expectations are reinforced with explicit rewards and punishments.

Children as young as 18 months old are shown preferences for gender-sterotyped toys.

Phychoanalytic Theories
Identification Theory ( Sigmund Freud) - there are stages in personality development. (Oral | Anal) Boys and girls are similiar in their behavior
and experiences. Children may have sexual feelings
Phallic Stage - Boys and girls aware that genetals are different. Learn how to behave in gender appropreite ways.
Castration Anxiety - Boys love for mother. Breasts. Scared of castration.
Penis Envy - Girls see penis as superior therefore loves penis.
Chodorows Revision of Identification Theory
Girls grow up to be caretakers because she is constantly around her mother, emotional tie.
Boys are picture as going away from home and deattached; seperated.
Social Learning Theories (Albert Bandura)
Children aquire gender in two ways, reinforcement (rewarded for certain behavior) or punished (forced to behave)
Cognitive Development Theories (Gender Schema Theory, Enculturated Lens Theory) - Jean Piaget, Sandra Bem
Children learn gender and sterotypes with mental efforts to organize the social world. They categorize into schemas. Physical cues.
Children are socialized to accept their society's gender lenses. Assumptions of male and female. Implicit lessons about differences.

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